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 About Weighing Success



Dr. Sandra Frank is a Registered Dietitian and Licensed Nutritionist. For over 30 years she has worked in health care, journalism, education, grant writing, and sub-acute nutritional care. She received a Doctoral degree in Nutrition Education and Counseling, with a minor in statistics and a Master's degree in Medical Biology and Nutritional Biochemistry.

In the early 1970's, Dr. Frank went off to New Mexico to study Agronomy (crop production). Her greatest motivator has been her idealism and desire to help others.

While working in the pecan fields of New Mexico, Dr. Frank volunteered to be in a weight control experiment. She had reached 226 pounds and wanted to lose weight. She had always been overweight and from twelve years of age until sixteen, she attended diet camps every summer only to gain the weight back during the school year.

After a year and a half participating in the experiment, Dr. Frank lost 103 pounds and changed her major to Dietetics and Nutrition. Dr. Frank had a new goal to help others thru Dietetics and Nutrition. Dr. Frank says she is blessed to have a career she feels passionate about. She is creative, compassionate, and gifted.

In addition, 1988 God gave Sandra a truly special gift, the birth of her son Jake. Jake was born with Cerebral Palsy and is permanently confined to a wheelchair. Jake is bright, talkative, has tremendous insight and like his mother wants to help others. Jake was the Broward County poster child for United Cerebral Palsy from 1992 thru 1993 and I expect to see amazing things from him.

Dr. Sandra Frank is a remarkable woman. I hope you will enjoy the site. It is filled with valuable information to improve your life and live healthier.

I feel honored Sandra has asked me to write her bio. A woman with her spirit and compassion is very rare and I am glad to call her my friend and colleague.

Dr. L. Sirota


Professional and Personal Highlights
Click link to view and print Curriculum Vitae


 Professional and Personal Highlights
Click link to view and print Curriculum Vitae

  • 2014. From "As Purchased" to "Edible Portion": How to Analyze a Recipe Using a Nutrient Database. (2014, Amazon) Purchasing nutrient analysis software and learning how to use the program is only useful if you have the knowledge to convert “as purchased” ingredients to the “edible portion.” This book describes how to read a recipe and enter the correct ingredients and amounts, in order to provide an accurate nutrient analysis.

  • 2005 to Present. Created Dietitians-Online, a website dedicated to providing online nutrition services in the areas of Nutrition Analysis, Recipe Makeovers, and Research for Media, Publishers, Writers, and Chefs. Highlight dietitians on Twitter, Books written by RDs and promote reliable online resources.

2014 Food, Nutrition and Wellness Events

Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN
Digital Downloads

The Edible Alphabet
Sandra Frank, Ed.D, RDN
Digital Download
  • 1988 to Present. Food Journalist and Nutritional Analysis Expert. Consultant on nutrition features, nutritional analysis, modified recipes and menus. Sun-Sentinel, Ft Lauderdale, FL.; Bon Appétit, California; Atlanta Constitution, GA; Detroit Free Press, Detroit, MI; Fort Worth Star, Worth Forth, Texas.

  • 1983 - Present. Weighing Success. Creates and provides Nutrition Education to the consumer and professionals. Past and Present Associations: United Cerebral Palsy; Tofutti Co, NY; Weight Watchers Camps, NJ; HBA Corporation, Ft Lauderdale, Fl.; Doctors Weight Loss Solution, National; Mid-America Food service, West Palm Beach, Fl.; GA Food service, FL, Jewish Vocational Services, Miami; Title III of the Older American Act and Ryan White Funding.

  • 2001-2003 Assisted in feeding indigent patients. Broward County, FL

  • 2000. Jake and Sandra fought and won to have a wheelchair accessible bathroom in Jake's school.

  • 1999-2001 Provided nutrition education, food, and supplies to individuals with HIV/AID and their families, Broward County, FL.

  • 1996. "Menu Solutions", published by John Wiley and Sons, New York. Over 700 pages and is still used in Universities as a text book to teach modified cooking.

Click here to learn more about
Menu Solutions.


  • 1995-2000 Preparation of Cycle Menus with diet modifications for the Group Homes of Broward County. Worked with a home with children with Prader-Willi Syndrome (an eating disorder evidence by an insatiable appetite). In 16 months the group lost over 1000 pounds.

  • 1992-1993 The mother of the United Cerebral Palsy Poster Child, Broward County, FL

  • 1988-1989 Ombudsman Council, Appointed by the governor. Gave lectures on providing quality care to the elderly and disabled.

  • 1989. Jake is diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy.

  • 1988. Jake is born.

  • 1986. Dr. Frank receives her Doctoral degree. Her research on Weight Control Success receives media attention and presents the study at the American Dietetic Association Convention.

  • 1984-1998. Delivered meals to the elderly, disabled, and blind, Broward County, FL.

  • 1983. Started the development of Weighing-Success.

  • 1982-1984 A member of the Florida International University Dietetics Advisory Committee

  • 1981 to 1985. Department Head, Broward Community College, Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Developed the curriculum for the Dietetic Technicians approved by the American Dietetic Association. Administered and taught; received grant monies to develop nutrition education films. Curriculum and Program Development: Food Preparation and Serving Techniques; Food Purchasing; Food Safety and Protection; Gerontological Nutrition; Long Term Care Dietary Regulations; Clinical Experiences in Dietetics; Dietary Department Operations; Nutrition Counseling and Education.

  • 1979 to 1981. Clinical Dietitian. N.Y. Coordinated the nutritional component of the dietary department. Worked with senior citizen volunteers.

  • 1978-1979 Taught nutrition to under-privileged children. Wrote lessons using the guitar and singing. New York. Grant by Cornell University.



Prepared by www.Dietitians-Online.com and www.Weighing-Success.com

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